Have you ever noticed a particular bird always being around you? If so, the meaning behind this bird could have a drastic affect on your life.
1. Blackbird
The blackbird is symbolic of omens and mysticism as well as the color of fear and promise. It is a reminder to look outside of ourselves for clues and meanings to see what is in store for us in the future. Black is a color associated with loss and fear but it is also associated with promise. For instance we wear black at a funeral but also to a new job interview. The color black varies drastically in its meaning and so does the blackbird, this symbol holds both good and negative things to come in your future.

2. Bluebird
The bluebird is symbolic of happiness and fulfillment. When you see a bluebird around you it is a reminder that your world is filled with happiness and satisfaction, it shows us to take a closer look and to value and appreciate all of the joy that surrounds our lives.
3. Crow
The crow is symbolic of intelligence, watchfulness, magic, and past life connections. The crow is used to bridge past life connections, get a sense of our past life, and offer support and guidance in our current life. The crow is an intent street gazer they will sit up on the telephone wires and just watch what is going on. They serve as reminds to be aware of our surroundings and to always keep our eyes open for trouble.
4. Hawks
The hawk is symbolic of the primal life force. They remind us of the hunter and the hunted and the circle of life. They are a reminder to not take anything for granted, to savor every moment, and to be thankful that we are alive.
5. Loon
The loon is symbolic of realizing your dreams and imagination. They show us that no dream is to big and that we should always strive to have the life that we want. Anything and everything can be accomplished if we set our minds to it and the loon reminds us that.
6. Owl
The owl is symbolic of silent wisdom. They remind us that not all wisdom needs to be spoken or put on display and in fact the greatest wisdom of all will come from the heart. It will be something that you did not learn in any text book, something that you have never been told, but at the same time you know how to do something completely and correctly. This is the wisdom of our soul.
7. Pelican
The pelican is symbolic of rising above trials. They show us that nothing that could ever happen to us is enough to keep us down. With hard work and determination we can get right back up and rise above anything that comes our way. It serves as a reminder to keep our heads held high no matter what is going on in our lives. No matter what turn our lives take we still should be proud of the accomplishments we have made along the way.
8. Turkey
The turkey is symbolic of shared blessings. They remind us to be thankful for everything that we have and to not take anything for granted.
9. Pigeon
The pigeon represents the love and security of home. It is a remind that no place will ever compare to home or the love you get when you are at home. It shows us how to use our home as a base for success. The home is a secure place for everyone, a place where nothing bad can happen to them. The pigeon reminds us that we always have that sense of security, and that we can always go home.
10. Vulture
The vulture represents being the guardian of mystery. It reminds us to embrace the mysteries in our lives and to work our way through them.

The Free Bird necklace is a beautiful piece you'll never find anywhere else since it sprung from the wiles of my imagination and is completely hand made.
A Beautifully detailed 1" pewter Bird charm with an antique silver finish rests in the center oval pendant with an antiqued brass finish with hand a hand engraved art deco floral pattern on it. The bird sits in the center, but also has the freedom to swing on the pendant.
It hangs on a BEAUTIFUL matching chain with a matte-antique tarnished gold finish. It is adjustable between 16" - 21" long.
{All materials are New & Lead / Nickle FREE}
I hope it brings you joy.